Law Office of Laura A. Fine, P.C. | Effective, Efficient, Relentless, Criminal Defense Attorney

Offices in Veneta by Appointment Only

2024 – 2026 Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyer Association President

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Rated By Super Lawyers | Laura A. Fine |

Offices in Veneta by Appointment Only

2024 – 2026 Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyer Association President

Springfield Criminal Law Attorney

An Aggressive, Intelligent Approach To Oregon Criminal Law

“Admit nothing. Remain calm.” That’s what I tell people who have been arrested or who have been approached by the police about a potential criminal charge. If they’re talking to you, it’s because they believe you’re guilty. You won’t change their minds by talking to them and your comments can later be taken out of context and used against you. One misstatement to police can cost you enormously. Speak to an experienced criminal law attorney before speaking with law enforcement.

Call me today for a free consultation regarding the criminal charges you face. Contact me toll free at 888-309-4560.

Criminal Defense Solutions

In my career, I have provided aggressive and effective defense against a wide variety of criminal charges, including the following:

  • Crimes affecting students: Including Disorderly Conduct, Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Possession of Controlled Substances, Possession of Less than an Ounce of Marijuana, DUII, Interfering With Police, Assault, Criminal Mischief and Open Container.
  • Misdemeanors and felonies: Class A misdemeanors (such as DUII), Class B misdemeanors (such as Harassment and Telephonic Harassment), Class C misdemeanors (such as Criminal Trespass II, Theft III and Misrepresentation of Age by a Minor) and unclassified misdemeanors. Plus, felonies such as violent crimes, Measure 11 crimes and robbery.
  • White collar crimes: Defending against charges such as Fraud, Forgery, Extortion, RICO violations and more.
  • Domestic violence: Coercion, Kidnapping, Assault and Harassment, among others. Alleged victims of Domestic Violence may obtain stalking or restraining orders against a person and violation of those orders can constitute the basis for additional criminal charges.
  • Sex crimes: Including Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Penetration, Sex Abuse, Child Pornography, Solicitation and Indecent Exposure.
  • Homicide: Murder, Manslaughter, Vehicular Manslaughter and more.

What Happens Next?

After being charged with a crime, the first court appearance for a defendant is the arraignment. This is the formal presentation to the defendant of the charges being brought. Defendants usually plead not guilty at arraignment, regardless of the facts of the case. This allows time for the defendant to work with a criminal defense attorney, review the police reports to see if the prosecution actually has the evidence to prove the charges, and also allows time for the defendant’s lawyer to negotiate with the prosecutor for a plea to a lesser charge, if that is indicated by the circumstances.

Criminal charges take time to resolve. That’s why I urge you to take your time, talk to your lawyer and explore all your options before making a decision about your case. The consequences of a criminal conviction can be far reaching. A conviction could affect your job, personal life, professional license and child custody rights. With so much at stake, it is important to make the best decision for you.

Contact A Springfield Violent Crimes Lawyer

Call my criminal defense law firm for a free consultation about your charges and circumstances. Contact me toll free at 888-309-4560.

Weekend and evening hours available by appointment.

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Mailing Address

PO Box 1240
Veneta, OR 97487